Community Sandbox Program
Here’s what you need to know about the Community Sandbox program and what changes you can expect.
Yellowhead Update
The Yellowhead Trail Freeway Conversion is progressing! I’d like to share some updates on the two sections of the project that are located in Ward Anirniq.
Residential Zones, What’s Changing?
Zoning Bylaw Recap Series: Residential Zones, What’s Changing?
Residential Parking Program Update
Zoning Bylaw Recap Series: Residential Parking Program Update
Queer Edmonton: I Stand with YOU.
Creating a city that feels safe and inclusive for everyone is something that is of great importance to me.
CBC Edmonton AM Radio Interview: Police Funding Formula
Had a great discussion on CBC Edmonton AM Radio about the police funding decision last week and safety in our city. *Link to listen
How can you be heard by Council?
Did you know that there are a number of different ways that you can be heard by your City Councillor?
Castle Downs Park Update
I’m happy to update residents that I've worked with the City on a comprehensive plan to improve the safety, liveability, and vibrancy of Castle Downs Park, so it is an inviting place for Edmontonians.
Exploring a National Urban Park in Edmonton’s River Valley
Many Edmontonians have heard about the discussions of the potential for a National Urban Park right here in our city.
Single-use Item Reduction Plan: Updated Blog
The Single-Use Bylaw comes into effect on July 1, 2023. Here’s what you need to know.
Council Directs 'Find Budget Efficiencies and Reallocate Resources to Core Services & Priority Areas': Status Update
As a City, we need to provide public services and programs that Edmontonians rely on while continuing to find ways to operate more efficiently and effectively.
Zoning Bylaw Renewal: Video & Links
The City is changing the rules for what we build where and the uses within them - this is the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative.
Curbing Catalytic Converter Thefts
I have heard from residents about their concerns and impacts related to catalytic converter thefts. So the question is: What can be done about this?