Latest Blogs
Migrants are welcome in Edmonton. Recently the City took another step towards supporting migrants as Edmonton’s population continues to expand.
The Snow and Ice Control Program is a core service in Edmonton. As the City prepares for the winter season, I’m sharing some information to help residents prepare and have safe travels year-round!
I submitted a formal inquiry with City Administration at the September 10, 2024 City Council meeting regarding the Hope Mission’s West Shelter - now named “Care Point Wellness Centre” and located in Dominion Industrial. As promised, I’m sharing the information provided in response to the inquiry.
My goal is to make sure we are focused on the services and infrastructure needs for residents as we discuss trade-offs, scaling back, and increasing revenue as ways to reduce the fiscal gap.
We need to take care of the investments we’ve already made, while being strategic in funding new projects as we grow to a vibrant city of two million people.