Latest Blogs
Problem properties — seriously neglected and unsafe residential properties — generate complaints and pose risks to community safety.
Today, I received a letter from Civic Service Union 52 (CSU 52) regarding their concern surrounding claims that Edmonton Public Library (EPL) provided direction to branches to not display Pride flags outside of specific celebrations, such as Pride Week.
Shovelling can be a pain in the back for even the youngest, fittest folks, so how can we ensure that Edmontonians with mobility issues and seniors with low incomes aren’t left behind and penalized for snowy, icy sidewalks?
Last year, our population rose to 1.2 million! In the last three years, Edmonton has welcomed an estimated 170,000 new people, and the trend of substantial population increases is expected to continue in the coming years. This rapid growth presents the City with both opportunities and challenges.
Social media is a great tool to connect with residents and Edmontonians across this great city.