“I’m proud to serve as the Edmonton City Councillor to over 92,000 residents who call Ward Anirniq home.
As a resident of our ward, I’m humbled to serve our community, embrace our diversity, and celebrate our strengths.”
About Erin
Erin Rutherford (she/her) was elected to Edmonton City Council in October 2021. Erin is passionate about serving the community through innovation, collaboration, and compassion. She has many years of public service experience including social planning and public engagement, and she holds two degrees; an Undergraduate Degree in Anthropology and Human Geography, and a Masters of Arts in Community Development.
Staying connected and engaging with residents of Ward Anirniq is a top priority for Erin. She welcomes and appreciates your voice in working together to strengthen and build community.
She has lived in Edmonton for over 20 years and resides in the ward with her family and their cat named Olive.
Latest Blogs
Shovelling can be a pain in the back for even the youngest, fittest folks, so how can we ensure that Edmontonians with mobility issues and seniors with low incomes aren’t left behind and penalized for snowy, icy sidewalks?
Last year, our population rose to 1.2 million! In the last three years, Edmonton has welcomed an estimated 170,000 new people, and the trend of substantial population increases is expected to continue in the coming years. This rapid growth presents the City with both opportunities and challenges.
Social media is a great tool to connect with residents and Edmontonians across this great city.
Public spaces are for everyone — from people, to pets, to river valley creatures. They are our workplaces, play spaces, gathering spaces, green spaces and more. To make sure these are spaces everyone can use, we need clear rules to govern their use.
I’ve also received lots of questions about the snow clearing process for residential areas, including timelines, and expectations for our City crews. So, I wanted to share what the City currently does to make sure residential streets are cleared as efficiently as possible, and what needs further progress.
An important topic is coming up for discussion soon on Monday, February 10th - the revised Draft Public Spaces Bylaw. This bylaw combines three existing bylaws into one that guides how we use and interact with our public spaces - such as parks, transit stations, and sidewalks. This makes it crucial for Edmontonians to share their thoughts and perspectives.
I want to take a moment to recognize the significant impact that a trade war with our biggest partners, the USA, will have on the local Edmonton economy.
Migrants are welcome in Edmonton. Recently the City took another step towards supporting migrants as Edmonton’s population continues to expand.
The Snow and Ice Control Program is a core service in Edmonton. As the City prepares for the winter season, I’m sharing some information to help residents prepare and have safe travels year-round!
I submitted a formal inquiry with City Administration at the September 10, 2024 City Council meeting regarding the Hope Mission’s West Shelter - now named “Care Point Wellness Centre” and located in Dominion Industrial. As promised, I’m sharing the information provided in response to the inquiry.
My goal is to make sure we are focused on the services and infrastructure needs for residents as we discuss trade-offs, scaling back, and increasing revenue as ways to reduce the fiscal gap.
We need to take care of the investments we’ve already made, while being strategic in funding new projects as we grow to a vibrant city of two million people.
Ward Anirniq is home to 16 industrial areas and so many wonderful local businesses. Ensuring that businesses thrive and the city supports a robust economy is one of my top priorities. In this blog, I’m going to focus on how the city is focused on growing our business and industrial areas.
Edmonton’s paratransit, the Dedicated Accessible Transit Service (DATS), provides an essential service for people with physical and/or cognitive disabilities to get around the city.
Our city is growing! The City Plan is Edmonton's high level plan for how we grow towards a population of 2 million people in our city. We need to ensure we're building a city that thrives and is welcoming to all.
As the largest urban park in North America, it offers vibrant green spaces, parks, and an extensive trail system for all to enjoy!
The City of Edmonton has a 25-year waste strategy. The strategy calls for all residential properties in Edmonton to have three-stream sorting by 2027 (garbage, recycling, and organics).
"The shelter site is funded by the provincial government and will be operated by Hope Mission."
I’ve heard from residents about concerns with infill development and I’ve advocated for increased construction accountability.
“…in 2022, my motion passed to have the City Auditor’s Office do an audit to understand if the City’s recreation programming is meeting diverse needs associated with age, gender, identity, ability, family status, ethnicity, race, religion and income level.”
“I’m sharing the information that Council received back in response to my inquiry. A budget comparison was provided for the project (from 127 Street to Fort Road) breaking down the costs for both a base renewal scenario and what’s in the current design.”
Seniors are invaluable members of our community who bringing a wealth of experience and wisdom. Check out these resources for seniors and please help spread the word by passing information on to those who could benefit.
There’s so much to unpack with Bill 20. This legislation introduced by the Alberta Government significantly changes the rules for municipal elections and governance.
My inquiry asked Administration to provide an update to City Council on feedback they’ve received from residents and how the program was responding to both successes and challenges.
I know many residents have been wondering about the status of the Lauderdale Dog Park and the work that EPCOR is doing with their Flood Mitigation project. My office recently received an update from them that I’m pleased to share with you.