Erin’s Social Media Policy
Social media is a great tool to connect with residents and Edmontonians across this great city.
It’s also my responsibility to ensure that my social media pages and the interactions on them remain safe, constructive, and respectful for everyone. I also have an obligation as a Councillor to share correct information. This means that from time-to-time posts are hidden, deleted, or a profile will be blocked if the behaviour is aggressive or persists.
This doesn’t mean we can’t have open and constructive dialogue that includes critiques of decisions of Council or myself. In fact, I have really enjoyed engaging with residents in a way that I can share what went into my decision-making and get feedback on those decisions.
Comments that may be hidden:
Content or statements that contain misinformation or disinformation
Sharing links to other pages or websites
Personal attacks towards me or Council members (or as a whole)
Engaging in bad faith discussion
Comments that are deleted:
Personal attacks towards others (e.g., name calling)
Sharing photos/videos of people without their consent
Sharing any personal information
Using the name of a City of Edmonton Employee
A profile is blocked due to:
Threats that cause concern for safety
Hate speech
Bombing (posting the same message on a large number of posts)
After a warning, with continued similar behaviour (Note: deleting a comment counts as a warning)
Let's work together to maintain a positive and engaging online community.