Update on Peter Hemingway Pool

Many have been asking me about the changes to the Peter Hemingway Leisure Centre and when it’s expected to reopen.

Peter Hemingway Leisure Centre is undergoing a major rehabilitation project to upgrade its 50-year-old mechanical, structural and electrical systems, along with the building exterior, and roof. This work will ensure that the facility continues to provide enjoyable aquatic and fitness experiences to Edmontonians for decades to come.

The project is being delivered in two stages. Phase 1 (began in November 2021) focuses on the most critical items - boiler system replacement and rehabilitation of the pool basin. It has a planned completion in fall 2023.

The pool was closed in 2020 due to COVID-19. This earlier closure allowed the project team to do more in-depth testing of various areas. As part of the review, cracks were discovered in the pool basin which prevented re-filling the pool. These repairs will now be done as part of this project in Phase 2, which was approved during recent budget debates. Unfortunately, this also means that the pool will remain closed until the full rehabilitation is complete. The facility is scheduled to reopen at the same time as the new Coronation Park Sports and Recreation Centre in 2026. 

I know it's disappointing to hear that the work will take longer than expected but this is due to the historic classification and unique design of the building. So while it still may be a few years away, I can’t wait to see the Peter Hemingway Leisure Centre open again for Edmontonians to  enjoy using this amazing facility that is a gem within the ward!

For future updates on the Peter Hemingway Rehabilitation Project you can visit the project’s webpage as well as Building Edmonton.


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