Let’s Talk Transit Safety

Transit safety and creating safe spaces is top of mind for me. I understand the concerns of residents, including those who have shared with me their experiences on Edmonton Transit. I firmly believe that one of the best ways to enhance safety is to have more people using transit. Understandably, to increase ridership, people want to feel safe when using transit. 

The safety issues with transit have not emerged overnight and are not all unique to Edmonton. They will take time to address and there is no one solution. That being said, there are many actions that the City can and WILL continue to take to address transit safety. 

In 2022, Council responded to the concerns of Edmontonians and invested millions in transit safety through the Downtown Core and Transit System Safety Plan and the Transit Safety and Security Plan. These plans approach community safety in several ways including funding to support more peace officers, police presence, public washrooms, increased clean-ups, response to encampments, opioid prevention and response, and more. Resources have also been put towards partnerships like the Community Outreach Transit Team (COTT) which provides specialized support through the collaborative efforts of Bent Arrow outreach workers, Transit Peace Officers, and EPS officers. These commitments were reinforced with additional funding in the 2023-2026 budget. 

In addition to providing funding, the policies that govern public spaces are being reviewed so it’s clear what IS and is NOT allowed in public spaces - including transit spaces. Currently, different policies apply to different spaces - making it not only confusing for the public, but also challenging for enforcement. Additionally, last year the loitering clause in the bylaw was reinstated. I did not support this being added back because I felt it would not produce the intended outcomes. In the first 20 days of January 2023 alone, Peace Officers handed out 607 tickets - and I am not sure people feel any safer as a result.  Before this reinstatement, I put forward a motion last year to do a comprehensive review of the Conduct of Transit Passengers Bylaw and I look forward to a fulsome discussion on public spaces - including all transit spaces. 

Please continue to share your transit experiences with me and know.  I'll continue to make decisions and advocate for better transit services where Edmontonians can get around this city in safe, affordable, and efficient ways.


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