Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Council Inquiries

Here is another edition in my series on “How Council Works”. This time let’s discuss Council Inquiries! 

Councillors have lots of ways we receive information. One way that a Councillor can generate information on a topic is through a Council inquiry. Simply put - inquiries are a Councillor-driven way to publicly find out more information about a topic or issue. Inquiries can be made by a Councillor at any Council or Committee meeting in which they are a voting member. 

The key to an inquiry is that the requested information must be readily available for City Administration to combine in a report or memo.

For example, a Councillor inquiry cannot direct City operations on a course of action, must not include any expenditure of funds, and can’t require Administration to undertake any analysis or significant interpretation of the information being provided - (in that case, a motion is required in which a vote takes place on the work being generated). Voting on inquiries is not required. 

Some examples of inquiries I’ve put forward include reports/memos on protections for agricultural lands and other natural habitats, listing spark grants/micro-grants in the City of Edmonton to support business and community, information on City-run specialized recreation programming and accommodations for equity seeking groups, grant funding to support seniors and seniors centres, to name a few. 

I find inquiries helpful when a topic arises that may require a motion, but would first like to have more information for myself, Council, or the public to understand the background of the issue. Additionally, I appreciate inquiries as a form of public transparency. Based on the information received from an inquiry, in some cases I’ve then proceeded with a motion to take action on the issue and other times I was satisfied with the information received. 

Generally speaking - the more information, the better!


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