Budget: Common Inquiries

I’ve had the opportunity to return phone calls and emails since the  budget as I’m getting caught up, so wanted to share some facts about the 2023-2026 budget based on common inquiries I’ve received.  

Common Inquiries

  1. The Snow & Ice Removal department is receiving annual increases to the base budget to phase-in program enhancements

  2. Council approved annual funding increases to Edmonton Police Service

  3. The Bike Plan implementation is not just for bike lanes - it also funds other infrastructure (such as shared-use paths for walking, strollers, wheelchairs, etc.)

  4. Road Infrastructure is receiving major funding throughout the city to help goods and people move around the city easier. 

  5. Continuing and new investments to support local businesses and economic vibrancy (such as Corner Stores Program, Windows Repair Program, Downtown Vibrancy Strategy, Arts & Culture funding, Edge Fund, and more)

  6. Council added funding to Affordable Housing both in capital and operations budgets 

  7. Council amended the budget to support Climate Action, including funding for energy transition, emissions reduction, tree planting and climate mitigation strategies 

  8. There is substantial funding invested in Public Transit including transit safety, a new garage, and building out the Mass Transit Network 

  9. The Municipal Drug Poisoning Response was approved for funding, as well as increased funding for  24/7 Crisis Diversion through REACH

  10. Council directed City Administration to undertake a comprehensive internal review of the City of Edmonton to find budget efficiencies while focusing on quality frontline programs and services 


Budget: Getting Results for Ward Anirniq


2023 Looking Ahead