2023 Looking Ahead

As we head into 2023, I’m preparing for another packed year for Council! 

There’s so much work to be done this year and even more than what’s highlighted below! I’m excited for these transformative opportunities and the work we can do to build a city that moves us forward, together. As well as the exciting opportunities like the JUNOS coming here in March! 

I’ll continue to engage through activities similar to last year including phone, email, door knocking, social media, newsletters, community meetings and events. If there is anything you’d like to see for engagement in 2023 please let me know. Looking forward to another year in this great city. 

Major Construction Projects 

One thing that’s a given is that there will be lots of construction projects in 2023! 

The Yellowhead Freeway Conversion is in full swing and engagement on the Ward Anirniq section (St.Albert Trail - 97 Street) will be happening in 2023.

Construction will continue on the 124 Street Renewal project, Coronation Recreation Centre, and Calder Neighbourhood Renewal. The 132 Ave Renewal project will begin construction this year as well. Here is the proposed staging which shows the section between 109 Street and 97 Street starting first. 

Zoning Bylaw Renewal and District Planning 

These are two of the biggest city-building projects in 2023 as we transform the rules that regulate land-use and bring the City Plan to life. A draft of the new Zoning Bylaw was presented in 2022 which proposes a significant consolidation of the current zones. Here’s a Global News story about why this project is important. The Public Hearing on this final updated Zoning Bylaw is scheduled for the end of 2023. 

Additionally, the city is being proposed to be planned into 15-minute districts which is also in draft and will be brought before Council in 2023. 

In the end, all three are envisioned to work together - the City Plan is the 50,000 foot view, Zoning Bylaw is parcel to parcel, and District Planning is the middle layer that looks at a cluster of neighborhoods. 

Internal Reallocation of Resources 

During the 2023 - 2026 budget debate, Council directed the City Manager to reallocate $300 million in resources to Council priorities such as frontline services. Both Council and City Administration will have monthly meetings throughout 2023 to discuss this process and make sure that city spending aligns with what Edmontonians need. 

Working with the Region and Other Orders of Government  

We can’t do it alone. The work to make Edmonton the best it can be takes collaboration both within the region and with other orders of government. This will be a key focus for me as we tackle social issues, transit, climate action, and more. The provincial election is also an opportunity to ensure that Edmonton is getting a fair deal - with provincial spending on par with Calgary. 

Continuing to Advocate for Inclusion 

Discussions on DATS, audits related to accessibility in recreation, work in anti-racism, internal work on inclusion as a city workforce, and more will be taking place throughout 2023 with multiple touch points with Council. Changing the systems that unintentionally create exclusion is no easy task, but I have seen so much passion and commitment from this Council to continue to advocate for this at every opportunity. 

Community Safety 

We’ll continue to have discussions on community safety - with this being one of the most pressing issues I foresee that we address this year. Police funding will be discussed again in early 2023 (the funding formula discussion is coming back); transit and downtown safety will continue to be enhanced as outlined in this plan. We’ll need to continue discussing the role we can play to address needs such as shelters, housing, encampments and find out what comes out of the Provincial Task Force. 

We’re also currently revising several bylaws that touch on public spaces, including the Conduct of Transit Passengers Bylaw, and Open Spaces bylaws. The aim is to address many of the concerns we hear and provide clarity on what is okay and not okay behaviour in public spaces.

As you can see there is a lot taking place. Remember to sign-up for my newsletter and follow me on social media to stay current with what’s happening!


Budget: Common Inquiries


Erin’s Reflections on 2022