Prairie Sky Gondola: Update

Last week, Council heard from speakers from Prairie Sky’s project team, industry, public, community organizations and groups including Indigenous speakers - all who contributed to the robust discussion. 

Yesterday, I supported Council’s decision to simply accept the gondola report for information in a 12-1 vote - meaning the project will NOT move forward because Council did not approve a land lease agreement, nor will City Administration put any additional time into this project. 

While the idea of the gondola is innovative and Edmonton is a great city for investment in and tourism, this venture is not a typical project as it requires the long term lease of public land for a private enterprise. The company’s request for a conditional land lease agreement was a step which the company stated was necessary in order for them to proceed with their project including engagement efforts, and help them secure private investment. 

For me, there were too many unanswered questions, too many risks to public good, and not enough meaningful engagement to this point. I was not prepared to move forward with the conditional leasing of lands that potentially ties our hands in the future and causes more harm to move forward. 

I want to thank the Prairie Sky Gondola team for all their efforts, and thank everyone who shared their perspective and expertise with Council on this project.


Erin’s Reflections


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