Erin’s Reflections

This role, which I have the honour to hold, comes with a lot of responsibility in how I conduct myself - with my colleagues, staff, and the public. This includes both in-person and on digital platforms. The City Council Code of Conduct sets out expectations, but with or without that, I want to strive for a high standard. 

With residents, I strive to approach situations with compassion and understanding when faced with harsh language or criticism from others. I understand that when people care, they can express themselves in many different ways. That being said, my office still sets healthy boundaries and it’s important to remember that people are still people - regardless of the position they hold. For example, we delete comments that have name calling to myself, other Councillors, or any other person. This week was the first time I had to block a user on social media since coming into this role. While this is an unfortunate reality and I welcome diverse perspectives, I take the responsibility to create safe spaces very seriously. Overwhelmingly, interactions are positive or conducted in a respectful manner.  

I encourage everyone to remember their elected officials, staff, and other members of the public deserve access to safe spaces and constructive conversations, just as I am committed to having with you! 

*Picture taken in Ward Anirniq - Hudson Spray Park 13625 Cumberland Road 


How does Council Work?


Prairie Sky Gondola: Update