New Home Buyers & Property Taxes

Heads Up New Home Buyers! Did you buy a new house within the last several months? The Government of Alberta’s Land Titles Office (LTO) continues to encounter significant delays in processing property transfer information between sellers and buyers. A land title is a formal document that proves ownership of a property, and the City of Edmonton relies on this information to ensure that property tax notices reach the rightful owner.

Property purchased or sold within the past six months may not have received their tax notice when the notices were mailed out. This may have resulted in penalties being applied to accounts for unpaid taxes when the recipients were not aware of their tax obligations. 

The Government of Alberta has established a Property Tax Late Penalty Reimbursement program in response to these delays. Under this program, you may be eligible for reimbursement of late payment penalties if:

  • You purchased a property within three months of the tax payment deadline (June 30);

  • the title transfer was initiated but not completed between February 23 and July 30;

  • the taxpayer did not receive a tax bill prior to the tax payment deadline; and

  • the taxpayer paid a late payment penalty to the City.

Visit the province’s website to apply for reimbursement of late payment charges. Any information required by the province to determine eligibility can be accessed via the City’s MyProperty portal.


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