Growing the Urban Tree Canopy

This week at the Urban Planning Committee discussion was all about how we grow our tree canopy. Edmontonians see the intrinsic value in trees. Trees have social, economic, and environmental benefits. Currently the city’s tree canopy coverage is 13% of the existing land use within city limits, with the goal of getting to 20% by 2071. I’m proud to see that we’re on target to plant 2 million new trees by 2030. What’s clear to me is that, while the City has taken positive steps, we need to do more to get to this goal including:  

  • protect the trees we already have

  • add to our tree canopy and park spaces

  • properly maintain and care for our public trees 

What’s not always clear is how we get there - specifically when it comes to trees on private property. Private trees account for significant tree loss especially with infill in mature neighborhoods. We don’t currently track this number, however, so we have no understanding of the true scope and scale beyond a high-level review of the overall canopy. A private tree bylaw is not recommended by administration at this time. At committee, many speakers discussed the need to move forward with a bylaw similar to other cities. While I see the arguments for having this bylaw, it will come with more costs and will need enforcement. I prefer to strengthen current processes before adding new work. 

So what more can we do? For starters, let’s fund tree maintenance and preservation, as well as natural area land acquisition. Let’s be proactive in our enforcement of the landscaping regulations for new builds. Let’s get an understanding of the intersection between public and private tree canopy growth and loss through better data. Let’s incentivise tree preservation on private property. Let’s make sure we look at the Zoning Bylaw Renewal project with the critical lens to achieve both density and keeping our climate goals. 

This report was sent forward to Council and will be debated on May 16. While no motion has been put on the floor, I’m anticipating a motion to explore the possibility of a private tree bylaw to come forward.

Let me know what you think! I’d also appreciate any feedback on my ideas for increasing our tree canopy across the city. 


Responding to Encampments


Construction Projects in the Ward