Fireworks & Safety

Did you know that Edmonton currently allows two different types of firework permits? 

Community and Public Services heard from Fire Services about proposed changes to the Fireworks in Fire Rescue Services Bylaw 15309 that would see tier 1 eliminated.

This proposal would have meant that non-professional handling of fireworks would be banned and would reduce the cost for professional firework displays.

Edmonton is unique in its current allowance of untrained private use (tier 1) and this change would align with other major cities across Canada. 

While not a member of the committee, I spoke in favour of the Fire Services proposal to mitigate safety risks and liability through these changes. Committee felt that more engagement with other community and cultural groups was needed. This will now come back in the fall for a final decision, which means for this summer both tiers (professional and untrained private use) will still be in effect.

Here’s a link for any community members or organizations that are planning any event or gatherings with fireworks with information about permits, safety, and fire bans. 

Let’s keep each other safe while having fun this season! What are your thoughts on these proposed changes to firework displays?


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