Statement on Westlock Vote

I’m heartbroken by the news out of Westlock. 

Let’s be clear. The plebiscite vote is a direct attack on the 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, individuals, families, and community. An attack on one community is an attack on all of us. 

The plebiscite also bans the ability of the municipality to display Indigenous and Metis flags - taking a major step back in truth and reconciliation in being able to actively acknowledge we are treaty people on Indigenous lands. 

We are experiencing the erosion of our rights and freedoms. Freedoms to be who we truly are, freedom to express ourselves, and freedom to celebrate diversity. The Government of Alberta is taking it a step further to removing the freedom for medical experts, individuals and their families to best determine medical care for trans youth. 

I’ll continue to voice my concerns on the rise in hate towards the queer community. In collaboration with members of the community I put forward a motion in July 2023 to ensure that we are addressing rising hate and looking to establish an LGBTQ2S+ advisory committee for the City of Edmonton. This urgency to take action has only increased with these recent actions in Alberta. 

To members of the queer community and Indigenous communities, you are seen and you are not alone. Many of us have and will continue to stand with you. My commitment is to work each and everyday to ensure Edmonton continues to be inclusive and safe for all members of our community.


Conversations on Bag Fees & Waste Reduction


Griesbach is GROWING