Supporting Local Community Leagues

I’ve heard firsthand, the challenges that Covid-19 has on Community Leagues’ abilities to offer programming, fundraise, maintain infrastructure, and in some cases, even just keep the lights on. Last week I put forward 2 motions to enhance support for Community Leagues. Both motions passed unanimously by Council. 

The first motion called for Community Leagues to be considered as key partners in Covid-19 recovery. Specifically, the motion calls for a package to be presented in the Fall 2023-2026 budget with increases to the Community League Operating Grant and the Community League Infrastructure Program. The package will be deliberated this fall.   

Additionally, our policies need to account for the diversity amoung our neighbourhoods so no League is left behind! Leagues vary greatly in needs, population size, and capacities to offer services. That’s why I put forward a second motion to review the grant and infrastructure program, in consultation with the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, to look for ways to enhance equity and efficiency in application processes and distribution of funds.  

Since elected, I’ve made a point of reaching out to every Community League in Ward Anirniq. I look forward to continuing to have great conversations, and thank you to all Leagues and volunteers for the great work you do! 

Support your local Community League because they are there for you! Simple ways to support and get connected - buy a membership, attend an event or program, volunteer your time, attend the next AGM.


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