As we prepare for the upcoming 4-year budget, let’s take a moment to talk about how the City identifies investments that will result in improvements for traffic flow as a whole. A report was presented to the Urban Planning Committee that outlined priority locations. This technical analysis considered budget allocations that could fund multiple locations throughout Edmonton and will inform the City’s plan for building mobility infrastructure.
I often get asked about the traffic circle at 118th Ave and St.Albert Trail and recently did an inquiry on this intersection. Currently, this intersection does not make it into the top 100 priority investments for the next budget cycle. While its functioning will continue to be monitored with the changes on Yellowhead Trail, the traffic assessment indicates that this intersection functions better than intersections ranked highest on the priority list. In other words, we have a lot of traffic to fix and limited resources to do it. I definitely plan to bring forward concerns and ensure this intersection is getting monitored regularly.
Here are some of the other improvements listed in the top 100 in or near Ward Anirniq.
97 Street - 137 Avenue to 153 Avenue Northgate to Northtown (#1)
111 Avenue / 142 Street Intersection (#3)
111 Avenue / Kingsway Avenue Intersection
97 Street from approximately Yellowhead Trail to 137 Avenue
153 Avenue / Castle Downs Road Intersection
137 Avenue / 127 Street Intersection
127 Street from approximately Yellowhead Trail to 137 Avenue
97 Street / Yellowhead Trail Intersection
153 Avenue from approximately Castle Downs Road to 97 Street