Fall Yard Waste Collection

Now that the fall season is upon us, let’s chat about yard waste - leaves, twigs, branches, fallen fruit, dead plants, grass and other plant material from your yard or garden.  

Each household has 2 fall yard waste collection dates, which in 2022 run from October 3rd to November 28th, on designated Mondays. 

CLICK HERE for more information on yard waste and to find out your Fall collection dates.

I’ve heard from residents that sometimes collection dates take place too early or too late. A question that often arises is “how are yard waste collection dates chosen?” 

Yard waste collection days are decided the year before, based on a few things:

  • The timing of snowfall and precipitation

  • Volumes of yard waste collected in the previous year

  • Resident feedback

Our seasonal weather conditions can vary from year to year, and are difficult to predict. The need to accommodate these seasonal changes is why 2 yard waste collection days are provided to every household each season. 

On your collection dates, make sure to set out your waste by 7:00 AM and to use see-through plastic or double-ply paper bags.

As always, I appreciate hearing your feedback and questions about yard waste collection.


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