City Council and Edmonton Police Commission: Who Does What?

Every so often, I’m asked to assist in police-related matters. For example, I’ve received requests to get more police presence in a specific neighbourhood. So I felt it was a great time to dig into the Council's role related to the Edmonton Police Service (EPS). 

Provincial legislation (i.e. the Police Act) outlines the responsibilities of government for policing and who oversees the police service. This is where the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC) enters the picture.

The EPC is responsible to both the province of Alberta and the City of Edmonton for providing effective independent civilian oversight of policing within the city’s boundaries. This covers several important functions, including: community engagement, funding allocation, establishing policies, directing the Chief of Police, ensuring effective services and adequate policing resources, and monitoring public complaints and serious incidents. City Council appoints some of the members to the EPC, including 2 Council members.

Additionally, City Council is responsible for establishing an overall funding envelope for EPS, then EPS works with EPC to allocate the funds provided under their budget. This means that there is no ability to direct funding towards a specific purpose such as designating more police presence in a certain area.

Here’s a handy flow chart that breaks down the different responsibilities: 

To learn more about the Edmonton Police Commission, including how to give a compliment or make a complaint relating to police activities, by going to their website.

Please know I do appreciate and welcome hearing your questions and concerns about the police. This feedback aids me when it comes to the decision-making levers that are available to me as a member of Council including asking for information that allows me to help determine adequate funding levels for EPS.


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