Animal Licensing & Control Bylaw Review

I’m pleased to see that the City has launched a project looking at the renewal of the Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw #13145.

The current bylaw is more than 20 years old!  A revision will allow it to align with changing community needs related to pet ownership.

This bylaw, along with provincial legislation, ensures City of Edmonton Peace Officers can investigate complaints, issue tickets for bylaw offences, investigate animal welfare concerns, seize animals (in very limited circumstances), and apply to the courts to add conditions to the ownership of dogs that have attacked people or other animals or to pursue a destruction order. Peace Officers also partner with the Edmonton Police Services Animal Cruelty Unit to ensure the safety of animals. 

The City finished the first phase of public engagement on the bylaw in December 2023 and is planning for the next phase of engagement to start later this spring. 

Some of the issues, trends and recommendations that have been identified so far include:

  • Support for increased enforcement to ensure public safety

  • A need for greater clarity in definitions and standards

  • A desire for more education and promotion to increase public awareness and understanding of the bylaw

A comprehensive report, including public engagement findings and a proposed draft bylaw, will be presented to City Council early in 2025.

It’s clear a renewed bylaw can help both pet owners and non-pet owners be confident in how the City responds to animal-related complaints and set clear responsibilities for pet owners so that all residents, whether 2 or 4 legged, furry or feathered, are able to safely and peacefully enjoy their communities!

Anything you would like to see in this new bylaw? What are your experiences in the community as a pet or non-pet owner?


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